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Mother's Day - Celebrating all our moms


Mother's Day - Celebrating all our moms

Sally Stocker


It's almost Mother's Day. Some of our moms aren't with us anymore, and some of us have our moms living nearby. Some of us are moms, and some of us support the moms in our life. But no matter what, moms are all around us.

Even though Mother's Day is often a celebration of the women who raised us and who (sometimes) pushed children out of their bodies, other non-biological mothers are mothers, nonetheless. They are stepmothers, mothers-in-law, foster mothers, and office mothers. The world is packed with mother figures, and only one of them, presumably, gave birth to you.

Those of you who grew up with your mom, think about the times she came through for you. The endless nights when you cried with a fever, and she held your hand. She kept your forehead cool with a washcloth. Remember the birthday celebrations where your mom ~came thorough~ and got you that red tricycle. And think of those nights you kept her awake when you went out on that date. Recall the love she showed you no matter what you did or said to her.

If you didn't grow up with your mom, think about those people who you know who are mothers or those people you considered a mom in your life. There's the lady on the busy who tucked in your tag on the back of your shirt; the lady who knitted you a hat for winter; the woman who helped you find the right doctor's office; the woman who brought a birthday cake into the office for your birthday; the woman who hilariously berates your ex: we all have many mothers, and many are mothers to each other.

Now that it's almost Mother's Day take some time to find the best way to say, "thank you." Think of all the ways she has influenced you, supported you, and loved you. Let her know how much you appreciate and love her.

An excellent gift for your mom is to give her the gift of time. You can help her clean or organize her home OR, if you don't have time, you can offer to pay for us to come to help her instead. If you mention this blog when you call to arrange a time, you can get 10% off your cleaning. (We offer gift certificates as well.)

So give her those flowers, and give her a clean and organized space to place them.

Thank you to all our mothers, the biological and blood, the elected and the chosen.