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3590 W 3000 N
Benson, UT 84335
United States



Mystery Solved: Cleaning Before the Cleaners Arrive is Helpful!

Sally Stocker


One of our newer clients told us a story of friends who used to rush home to clean their house before the cleaners came. She thought it was so funny, but when she decided to hire us to clean her home, she realized what this couple was doing. They were, and our client is now, getting stuff off the floors and counters for us to clean thoroughly.

Whether or not you do this will depend on your goal for having us come to help you out. If you want us to help you with dishes and laundry, we can do that, but we most likely won't get to thoroughly clean all of the bathrooms or get all the vacuuming done.  We get it. Sometimes you aren't going to get to dishes. They'll be in the sink, waiting for someone to get them cleaned. We can 100% help you with those. OR, if you ask us to ignore them, we will.

Generally, though, our clients tend to have us do the same things each week. Floors, kitchen, bathrooms, etc. So, what can you do to help? What can you do to maximize our time in your home? One of the biggest things that help us is to pick up the clutter.

Main living areas:

  • Move things from the floors to the couches or coffee tables

  • Put toys into bins

  • Shoes into cubbies or bedrooms/closets

  • Put away books, remote controls, knitting, crafts

 Kitchen/dining/office areas:

  • Dishes out of the sink

  • Homework/office work placed in easy-to-move piles

  • General clutter cleaned up 


  • Clothes and towels off of floors

  • Makeup, hairbrushes, hair product put away

  • Put away toys and other things from tubs and showers

  • Books/chargers/etc. off of side-tables 

To get the most thorough and detailed cleaning done for the allotted time we have at your home, it helps if you can do the items above before we get there. Tossing things onto beds and couches is helpful. Taking your items from your bedside tables and putting them on the bed helps as well.

BUT, if you need help picking up, sorting, decluttering, and organizing, we can do that! We want to get down and dirty (or clean, lol) with all of the surfaces we can.

Basically, just pick up the clutter. Leaving a note with your priorities is also really helpful. We only have a set time in your home, so we want to be as efficient as possible.

Give us a call, and we can make your life easier and your home sparkling!