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3590 W 3000 N
Benson, UT 84335
United States



Did you ever want to be an artist?

Sally Stocker

I think that most of us at one time or another harbored a goal to become an artist. Whether in kindergarten or we majored in an art-based discipline in college, I know that I had dreams of standing in front of a blank canvas with a palette of colors and a brush in hand.

Unfortunately, my artistic skills are less than desired. My brush strokes are less happy trees and more, uh, blobs of color?

Regardless of the final product, I do have fun making my blobs of color. They will never hang in a museum or even on my wall, but the experience of making them, blasting my music, and drinking my diet coke, is definitely something I won't give up.

The problem, however, is finding the time to do this. I find that with my business, my life is pretty busy. Therapists stress "self-care," to which I laugh whole-heartedly. (I have an inkling that a lot of therapists aren't very good at self-care either!)

But painting blobs on a canvas is fun.

I don't have much of a solution for myself, but I do have an excellent solution for all of you. (I bet you know what's coming!)

 We, at Lorie Stuart Cleaning, can help. We can come in and give your home the basic clean or a full, deep clean, giving you more time to put blobs of color on your canvas.