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All these national days


All these national days

Sally Stocker

Many sites show us national celebration or awareness days, real or not, and they are usually good for a laugh. Today's day was listed as "Men Make Dinner Day," which was no exception to the laughing rule.

There's a lot to unpack with this day. First, it assumes that men don't generally make dinner. I don't know about you, but my husband is the main chef at our home. I used to be the head chef, but I pulled back as the kids grew up. Now my husband is learning how to make bread, cultivate mushrooms, and can tomatoes, among numerous other cooking skills.

Second, this day assumes that a man is in the family home. Families are made up of single mothers, single fathers, moms, dads, grandparents, etc. To assume a man is part of the family equation seems a bit naïve.

[Coughs, steps off soapbox, looks around self-consciously]

However, the idea of recognizing that people do work hard at work and home and meals is valid. So instead of celebrating "Men Make Dinner Day," let's instead celebrate "Everyone Works Hard Day."

I think it's a little more realistic.