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Clean Your [Virtual] Desktop Day!


Clean Your [Virtual] Desktop Day!

Sally Stocker

I was looking for a file on my computer the other day and I couldn't find it. I minimized all my windows to recognize that my computer desktop is a mess! I have folders on here from 2015 that have no reason to exist anymore. And I recognized that I didn't have any way of finding anything on my desktop. Which kind of defeats the purpose of using a computer to make your life a bit easier.

So, I cracked down on myself and spent the next hour or so cleaning up my desktop. Now, when I look at the desktop, I see clean, open space and an organized way to find everything I need to find.

And then I called my friend and told her about this major accomplishment. My friend sighed loudly on the phone and began lamenting about her office space.

Well, let's just acknowledge that her husband put in a new laminate floor in her office, and she painted the walls from a humdrum gray to a nice, cheery yellow. That room was once her daughter's bedroom and the closet is full of stuff she left when she moved out, and this room has kind of become a space to put the things that everyone doesn't seem to know what to do with.

 And it's never really been organized well.

I don't know about you, but I do best when my environment is clean. There is something about the clean space that helps me clear and clean my mind and allows me to continue to work as effectively as possible.

I reminded my friend that I own this amazing business that not only cleans but organizes as well. And she agreed to hire us to come and help her out.

Now that space is clear and comfortable and my friend reports that she is more productive, which is important as she works from home.

Do you have a space like this? We can help.