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What is ~junk~ anyway? A quiz and some answers!


What is ~junk~ anyway? A quiz and some answers!

Sally Stocker

Most of you know that Lorie Stuart Cleaning, well, cleans. You know that we deep clean and that we do move-in and move-out cleanings. We clean during construction and after construction.

But did you know that we also declutter and dejunk?

I recently took training on decluttering and dejunking, and the biggest thing I took away is that most people don't know if what they have is junk or not.

Guess what, guys. We can help you figure out what junk is. Isn't that exciting?

To help, we put together this list of questions. You have junk if you can answer yes to two or more of the following questions:

  • Do you have pieces of clothing in your wardrobe you haven't worn for more than two years?

  • Are there things in your home that you have outgrown, either physically or emotionally?

  • If you looked in your garage, closet, or junk drawer, do you have broken items that have waited more than a year for you to fix them?

  • When you look at a particular item, does it bring up uncomfortable feelings?

  • Is there any type of outdated item in your home, such as floppy discs or VHS videotapes?

  • Are there things you have that you think you would use, except that it's a pain to clean or too tricky to get off that top shelf?

  • If you looked around your home, are the items sitting out that you don't like?

  • What about things you keep dusting, storing, moving, or insuring, but they aren't useful?

  • Are there things you own that you wouldn't even notice if they disappeared?

  • Aside from those "goal weight jeans" (which is its own thing), do you have items that are the wrong size, wrong color, or wrong style?

  • Have you obtained items from your grandparents or parents that you have only because you feel guilty getting rid of them?

  • You worked hard when you were in school, but are there boxes filled with old assignments and final papers that you haven't looked at since you closed the lid on those papers?

  • Do you save things for your children, grandchildren, or other family members that will more than likely burden them instead of giving them a piece of heritage?

And, you have stuff that is worth keeping if you can answer yes to one or more of these questions:

  • Do the items have significant cash value even if you don't use them daily?

  • Do you use the items in your work (it helps you make a living)?

  • When you use an item, is it harder to complete the task with the item than it would without the item? (Think about something you have that seems really cool, but it’s actually easier not to use it.)

  • When you use or look at the item, does it make you happier?

  • Will this item make the lives of future generations better or happier?

  • Does the item help you complete a task?

We can help you answer these questions and help you clear out your home. Call us today!