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2020 was a weird year (and a challenge!)


2020 was a weird year (and a challenge!)

Sally Stocker


A little late, but Happy NEW Year!!  Have you EVER been happier to say that?!

What a weird year 2020 was! As with all adversity in our lives, I think we ask ourselves . . .

 "What did I learn?"

Well, being stuck in the house more than ever, we sure got to know our immediate family better! Did you have more time for introspection? Did you realize that your choice to not be a teacher was for a reason? I bet you learned that you do know how to cook after all!

 That slowing down really was needed. Although I don't know about you, but toilet paper was on my mind often.

How about those masks? I swear I walked halfway across every parking lot before I realized I left my mask in the car. Then forgot to take it off in the car until I was almost home!

But . . . I did notice that because my mouth was covered with my mask, I listened better and saw things I did not usually see. Sometimes it was someone that needed to be heard or someone that could use my help. I could still tell when someone was smiling because their eyes lit up, and the smile lines were more noticeable.

I also noticed the stuff sitting all around me in my house. I was so used to seeing it, I didn't see it anymore. It was everywhere! The stuff was on all the surfaces and in every closet and along the walls and stairways . . . and eventually seemed to close in around me. It was saying, "Dust me," "move me," "Store me."

I recognized that I didn't need all of these things and could live free-er without so much stuff everywhere that kept grabbing my attention. Enough was enough. I cleared my whole house of those extra things, and oh boy, I feel so much better being free of it all!! My mind was more focused, and I felt lighter! Without all the dusting and moving of those things, I also found more time to do the things I felt were more important.

I challenge you to give it a try. Start small. One drawer at a time. One pile at a time. How many sets of measuring cups do we really need? And remember, you also help your community when you declutter. All those unnecessary items are donated so people who really need them can use them.

With all of that freedom, the possibilities are endless. Then you will be ready for early spring cleaning, and if all goes well, we can get out of the house and be doing the things we haven't been able to do in over a year! FREEDOM!!! Perhaps the new theme for 2021?